How can I cancel an order?

To cancel your order, simply navigate to your confirmation email within one hour of placing the order. Scroll down to the "Changed Your Mind?" section and follow the cancellation instructions. If more than 60 minutes have passed, please email, and our team will assist you promptly.

Accidentally canceled your order?

If you mistakenly canceled your order on the website and wish to proceed with it, the best step is to place a new order at the checkout. For any queries, reach out to us at, and we'll gladly help.

Need confirmation on the cancellation?

Upon successfully canceling your order via the provided link in your confirmation email, you'll receive another email confirming the cancellation. If you haven't received this confirmation, please contact us at with your original #OFR order number for assistance.

Can't find the self-cancel option?

If your order involves a gift card or if you're unable to locate the self-cancel option, please contact immediately. Include your #OFR order number and details of your cancel/change request, and our team will guide you through the process.

Contact Information:

  • Mailing Address: 10809 Southern Loop Blvd, Pineville North Carolina 28134, United States
  • Email Address:
  • Hours:
    • Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    • Saturday: Closed
    • Sunday: Closed
  • Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)